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Management Board


Esther Knothe

1. Chair &

responsible for wood and bicycle workshop

Esther Knothe

Hiba Albassir

2. Chair

Hiba Albassir

Peter Palmreuther

Treasurer &

responsible for all technical

Peter Palmreuther



Michaela Boguhn

Haus der Nachbarschafft
Project Coordinator

Michaela Boguhn

Aleksandra Aimaletdinova
Haus der Nachbarschafft

Project Coordinator

Aleksandra Aimaletdinova

Christoph Gabel

Schlangenbader Straße



Christoph Gabel

Johanna Honkomp​

Mobile community work

Project Coordinator

​0157 855 15 214

Kindertheater mit KAZIBAZE (9).png

Florian Seitz

Mobile community work

Project Coordinator

​0157 855 15 214

IMG_7717 (1).jpg

Contact us:
House of the Neighborhood

Street at Schoelerpark 37

10715 Berlin

030 86 39 44 00

Opening hours

Monday - Friday 12 - 6 p.m. o'clock

Office: Monday - Friday 1.30 - 5 p.m.

Bicycle workshop: Saturday 12 - 5 p.m.

Wood workshop: Thursday 4 - 6 p.m.

Sewing workshop: Wednesday + Thursday 4 - 7 p.m.

Supported by:

senatsverwaltung für arbeit soziales gleichstellung integration vielfalt und antidiskriminierung
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