Festivals and markets

2. Interkulturelles Nachbarschaftsfest Wilmersdorf am 27. Juli 2024
July 8, 2023 Intercultural Neighborhood Festival
The 1st Intercultural Neighborhood Festival Wilmersdorf took place on July 8. From 2-6 pm, there was a colourful programme on the street at Schoelerpark. rganized and invited to the festival was the Wilmersdorf Neighbourhood Network. District mayor Kirstin Bauch opened the festival.
There were 40 stands offering a variety of food and drink, exciting hands-on activities for young and old and a musical stage program. The neighborhood, associations, initiatives and district stakeholders from Wilmersdorf presented their work. The Haus der Nachbarschafft, the Auenkirche and the 1st FC Wilmersdorf also opened their doors.
The following performed on the Auenkirch-Wiese stage:
Ensemble of the Friedrich-Ebert-School
-- International pop music
Presentation of the network and opening of the festival
with district mayor Kristin Bauch
Zchiwoy golos
-- Russian-Ukrainian-Belarusian ensemble --
Bolivia Alma del Chaco
-- Saya Afro - a dance that originated in the Yungas in Bolivia --
Youth Music School Baglama Group
-- Turkish string music --
Bolivia Alma del Chaco
-- Tinku - a dance that began as a form of ritual combat and means "encounter" --
Jacqui and Ngoma Vata
-- African music and dance --
Taranta Djus
-- Balkan, Klezmer, Gypsy, Tarantella from Southern Italy --

PROGRAMM bei uns im Haus der Nachbarschafft
Bei uns könnt ihr ab 14 Uhr alkoholfreie Cocktails genießen und mit der Nachbarschaft im Hof verweilen. 🥤🍹🍸
Wer Lust auf spielerische Aktivitäten hat, kann am Glücksrad drehen, kleine und große Preise gewinnen, sich im Gartenschach ausprobieren oder an einem Mahjong-Turnier teilnehmen. 🎲♟🀄️
Ab 15 Uhr öffnet unsere Kunstecke und ihr könnt selbst kreativ werden. Die Künstlerinnen Kiki und Inga malen, zeichnen oder machen Collagen gemeinsam mit euch. 🎨🪁
BÜHNENPROGRAMM auf der Auenkirch-Wiese 🪕🎺🎻🥁
14.00 Chin-Seok Na
Musik aus aller Welt mit Gesang und Gitarre
14.40 Eröffnung
und Vorstellung von Initiativen
15.00 Diana und Oleg Yanushkevych
Popmusik mit Klavier und Geige
15.40 Clownin Pistazie
16.00 Bolivia Alma del Chaco
Lateinamerikanische Musik und Tänze mit traditionellen Kostümen
16.40 Clownin Pistazie
17.00 Songs for Peace
Gemeinsames Singen, Pop
17.40 Ngoma und Vata
Afrikanischer Tanz und Musik
18.00 Shon Abram
19.00 Neofarius Orchestra
Weltmusik, Balkan Swing, Klezmer
Alle die Lust haben, können uns gerne beim Aufräumen helfen 😊
December 9, 2023 Christmas market
At our Christmas market on 9 December, organized together with Pangea Haus, visitors were able to discover a variety of treats, drinks and handmade gifts from different countries at 15 stands. The atmosphere was extremely cozy. We offered a children's and music program with children's singing by Nele, storytelling by Arna, creative face painting by Nujud and performances by the senior choir GuteN.66 and Ramin, one of the best Rubab musicians. A big thank you to all the participants who prepared delicious treats and gave us the gift of their warmth. A special thank you to all the crafters and seamstresses for our bazaar with a diverse selection of Christmas gifts for all tastes. We would also like to thank all our guests for sharing this magical Christmas atmosphere with us.
July 8, 2023 Intercultural Neighborhood Festival

It was so beautiful! A big thank you to all our lovely neighbors who gave us so much support. But take a look for yourself and indulge in fond memories ...
The 1st Intercultural Neighborhood Festival Wilmersdorf took place on July 8. From 2-6 pm, there was a colourful programme on the street at Schoelerpark. rganized and invited to the festival was the Wilmersdorf Neighbourhood Network. District mayor Kirstin Bauch opened the festival.
There were 40 stands offering a variety of food and drink, exciting hands-on activities for young and old and a musical stage program. The neighborhood, associations, initiatives and district stakeholders from Wilmersdorf presented their work. The Haus der Nachbarschafft, the Auenkirche and the 1st FC Wilmersdorf also opened their doors.
The following performed on the Auenkirch-Wiese stage:
Ensemble of the Friedrich-Ebert-School
-- International pop music
Presentation of the network and opening of the festival
with district mayor Kristin Bauch
Zchiwoy golos
-- Russian-Ukrainian-Belarusian ensemble --
Bolivia Alma del Chaco
-- Saya Afro - a dance that originated in the Yungas in Bolivia --
Youth Music School Baglama Group
-- Turkish string music --
Bolivia Alma del Chaco
-- Tinku - a dance that began as a form of ritual combat and means "encounter" --
Jacqui and Ngoma Vata
-- African music and dance --
Taranta Djus
-- Balkan, Klezmer, Gypsy, Tarantella from Southern Italy --
Bolivia Alma del Chaco
-- Diablada - a Bolivian dance with impressive costumes that has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site as a symbol of carnival -
Neofarius Orchestra
-- World music, Balkan, Klezmer --
The participants and offerings at the 1st street festival at Volkspark Wilmersdorf were as diverse as our district. There were delicacies from the Thai street food market at Preußenpark, sweet bread, dumplings and other specialties, and the Culinary Kiosk rolled up with fair-regional products. Music played on the stage on the Auenkirch meadow: from a Ukrainian-Belarusian-Russian ensemble and a baglama group to Balkan and klezmer bands. The Bolivia Alma del Chaco group created a great atmosphere with various dances from South America. There was plenty of sporting action at the goal kicking facility of the Landessportbund, at 1. FC Wilmersdorf and on the ADFC bicycle course.
Many committed clubs and initiatives such as the "Omas gegen Rechts" (grannies against the right), "Naturfreunde" (nature lovers) and the "Radtour für obdachlose Menschen" (bike tour for homeless people) were there to present their projects. The district office was also on site.
The festival was organized by a team from the Wilmersdorf Neighbourhood Network.
The network brings together the various people, initiatives and actors who live and work here and tries to strengthen neighbourly coexistence in Wilmersdorf through various activities.
The organizing team of the neighbourhood festival includes:
Auenkirche /Evangelische Auengemeinde, BENN Wilmersdorf, Bürgerinitiative "Wilmersdorfer Mitte", Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Am Hohenzollernplatz, Haus der Nachbarschafft, Miteinander im Kiez e.V., Mobile Stadtteilarbeit Wilmersdorf, Museum Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf/Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Pangea Haus e.V., Villa Comenius e.V.
The Wilmersdorf Neighborhood Network includes:
1st FC Wilmersdorf, adventure playground in Güntzelkiez, Auenkirche/Evangelische Auengemeinde, BENN Wilmersdorf, Berliner Frauenforum e.V., Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf/Sozialraumorientierte Planungskoordination, Bürgerinitiative "Wilmersdorfer Mitte", EKBO, Evangelische Kirchengemeinde Am Hohenzollernplatz, Evin e.V., GePGeMi e.V., Global2030, Haus der Jugend Anne Frank, Haus der Nachbarschafft, Initiative Bundeplatz e.V., Kinder- und Jugendbeteiligung Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Landessportbund Berlin e.V., Mädchentreff D3 (Pestalozzi-Fröbel-Haus), Miteinander im Kiez e.V., Mobile Stadtteilarbeit Wilmersdorf, Museum Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf/Bezirksamt Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf, Pangea Haus e.V., Villa Comenius e.V., Wilmersdorfer Moschee